Occasionally, due to unforeseen circumstances your chosen car is not available. In these cases we will offer a similar or upgraded car at no extra cost.
All locks and alarms must be activated when your car is not in use. You must remove the Garmin sat-nav from the cradle and carry it with you into your accommodation each evening.
Celtic Rider office staff must be notified immediately of any accidents or breakdowns.
All of our car tours have fully comprehensive insurance and drivers are at no risk whatsoever in case of any damage to the vehicle.
Unpaid fines or penalties incurred by renters will charged to the driver.
There is a strict no-smoking rule in all of our vehicles.
Cars can be taken out of the island of Ireland with prior agreement.
We work extremely hard to ensure that our vehicles are in excellent condition for our customers. As such, our cars are rented strictly for use on public roads only. Our vehicles are not to be taken onto off-road terrain or onto beaches. Strict financial penalties may be applied to renters taking our cars off-road or onto beaches.
All car tours are covered with puncture assist. A puncture does not constitute a breakdown and we request that in the case of a puncture you call the AA who will tow you to the nearest station for repair. Again, this is inclusive and at no cost to you. You ask that you contact Celtic Rider in this event also.
Motorcycle Rental Ireland Ltd, t/a Celtic Rider, wants our customers to enjoy our service and the roads of Ireland and Europe. We provide our cars to our renters in good faith that they will treat them with the respect that they deserve, and renters are expected to adhere to Irish and European laws while using our vehicles.